The Music & Writings of Graham Jackson


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The Music & Writings of Graham Jackson

What is Special about the Sound Reproduction?

 This first CD has been treated with a new technology which will probably be taken up by everybody before long. It is just so obviously better.

Called "luson"(patent pending), it simply involves coating the master CD with a very thin coating that magically improves the amount of detail that is picked up. Nothing is added to what is on the disc. It just enables more of what is there to be heard, including the very brief, high-frequency echoes called transients, which contribute so much to the "virtual presence" phenomenon. Even with just the piano, you feel the space around better.

Apparently the shrill, raspy "digital" sound heard in so many CD's is due to a marvellous technology which compensates for the tiny gaps in pickup by "guessing" and filling in with approximations of what is missing. The luson process makes this unnecessary by supplying the genuine missing information, and resulting in a supple naturally full-bodied sound.

This seems to involve reduction of the size and ellipticity of the laser spot, the inclusion of more short wavelength components, and reduction of the "noise" associated with the main "effective" wavelength. Anyway, you can hear the difference.

The process was invented by Dr. Victor A. Bernstam, MD,PhD, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was available through Ed Marshall, of Marshall Arts Productions, but I have now lost contact with him and do not know his present address.
--Graham H. Jackson